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Create or join groups
Find people with similar interests and share thoughts & ideas, create events or have discussions in the forums.
Groups can be either public or private
A public group is searchable by the public. A private group is only viewable by invited members.
Example 1:
You may run a public group that is easily searchable by the public and is easy to recruit new members. A private group could be run as an organizer group for the public groups leaders. In the private group organizers or trusted members can strategise or develop content for the public group.
Example 2:
Another common use for private groups would be to organize private poker parties at your home. You don't want random people joining this group, only close friends that you would invite to your home.
Track all of your events in the calendar from all of the groups you join
Create events and invite your friends or all members of a group you belong to.
Easily filter out events from groups you don't want to see.
Your personal contact manager
Create custom contact groups to organize your friends anyway you wish.
here are some examples:
  • Close Friends
  • School Buddies
  • Work Associates
  • Christmas List